Early in the summer of 2005
Here are a few more photos from early in the summer. The first batch shows a mini baby shower that Chris, Karen, Cindy, and Emilio held for Erik. The second batch shows two of Mary's coworkers visiting us to see Erik. The next batch is from a Meet-and-Greet-the-Candidate party we held in our place for Eddie Rodriguez, who was at the time running for the New York City Coucil for the district of Red Hook, Sunset Park, and a slice of Park Slope. We endorsed Eddie, but he lost to a Democratic-Party-machine candidate, Sarah Gonzalez, who has done virtually nothing for the neighborhood. Then some pics from LaMae and Ray's visit for Erik's baptism. And the last batch of pics is from Erik's baptism at the Grace Episcopal Church in Brooklyn Heights. The baptism was conducted by Steve, the church minister, with Ray's help. AĆda read a Bible passage in Spanish.