Saturday, November 20, 2004

On Kerry's behalf

In the last couple of days of the campaign, Emily and I did some volunteer work in the suburbs and working-class towns north of Philadelphia, PA. We were based on Norristown, PA. On November 1, we helped Mark (a high-power lawyer from Washington, DC) to make badges for the members of the electoral legal team in Pennsylvania. We met Olga (a psychologist and teacher) and Terry (a former Wall Street Journal reporter in Tokyo). Then we did some canvassing in the suburban area, until late in the evening. We had dinner and stayed with Olga at her house, where we met her lovely family. On November 2, we spent the day in Norristown, getting the vote out in the downtown area. Some members of our team were Marcina, Yvette, Jamie, and Carole. All of them great people.

We went to the wrong headquarters. This was Kerry-campaign central in Collegeville, PA. Lee and I had to turn around and go to Norristown. Still those flowers are nice. :-) 11/1/2004.

Badges for the Democratic election legal team in various counties. Kinko's, Norristown, PA. Nov. 1, 2004.

Olga -- soul of the volunteer team. At Kinko's, Norristown, PA (11/1/04), making sure some crucial documentation is prepared in support of the Democratic legal team.

Terry -- in the middle of intense work in support of the Democratic electoral legal team. (Norristown, PA, Nov. 1, 2004.)

Mark -- coordinating crucial tasks in support of the Democratic legal team. (Norristown, PA, Nov. 1, 2004.)

Olga and other volunteers, at the Dem headquarters. (Norristown, PA. Nov. 1, 2004.)

Volunteers phone banking at the Dem headquarters in Norristown, PA. (Nov. 1, 2004.)

Late in the afternoon, volunteers at the Dem tent are still cheerful. (Norristown, PA. Nov. 2, 2004.)

Lee at the Dem headquarters in Norristown, PA. Still feeling like a champion. (Plenty of doughnuts and coffee.)

Every vote should count.

Yvette -- bringing the vote out.

This is the crowd that made it possible for Kerry to carry Pennsylvania.

A close race. Now have some pasta.

We lost. Have something dinner anyway!

Friday, November 19, 2004


Tiempos idos, pero quedados.

Los Tres Mosqueteros en La Habana (Hotel Riviera, primavera de 1985).


Baghdad from a satelite.

MB as a baseball star

Don't know who took these pics. But they're very cinematic or kinesthetic. You got to love 'em (and her).

MB as a shrewd player... should I steal it or should I not?

Showing good form.

MB stealing third base.